Dec 11 2009
10-th International Agricultural Engineering Conference 2009
The 10-th International Agricultural Engineering Conference was held in Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok THAILAND from 7 – 10 December, 2009. The International Conference was organized by Asian Association for Agricultural Engineering (AAAE). The IAEC aimed to provide a forum for discussion and information transfer of current researches, achievements and practical application in all fields of agricultural engineering. The theme of this conference is “Role of Agricultural Engineering in Advent of Changing Global Landscape”. The related topics were arranged as agricultural engineering education, agricultural waste management, agro-industry and agri-business management, electronics in agriculture, energy in agriculture, ergonomics/human factors engineering, post harvest technology, food engineering and biotechnology, power and machinery, soil and water engineering, irrigation and drainage engineering, structures and environment, protected cultivation, terramechanics, new materials and other emerging technologies.
The author has presented his research paper titled “Design of Control System for Silk Worm’s Growth Chamber to Improve the Quality of Raw-Silk” that prepared together with Mr. Atris Suyantohadi, Mr. Hari Purwanto and Mr. Radi. Special thanks to Universitas Gadjah Mada for supporting us to participate in this conference.
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