Aug 26 2011
The Application of an Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) for Determining Subak Development Strategy
Subak is a customary law community that has the characteristics of socio-religious-agriculture, which represents farmers’ associations that manage an irrigation system in paddy fields. One characteristics of the subak system is of the Tri Hita Karana concept based community management system. Recently, due to development of tourism sector, some problems occur i.e.: (i) decreasing agricultural land area, (ii) declining youth’s interest in farming system caused by the prospect of an employment opportunities to other sectors, (iii) others interest contained to water beyond agricultural sector. The main purpose of study were to identified the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and challenges faced by subak and to find some alternative strategies to subak development.
The assessment using the AHP results that subak development as agroecotourism zone is the alternative strategy with higher value compare to either massal tourism zone and agricultural field zone. Through the development of subak as an agroecotourism zone, this alternative can support the sustainability of subak system among Bali tourism development, which is a synergy between tourism and agriculture.
The study was conducted by Sumiyati, Lilik Soetiarso, Wayan Windia and Putu Sudira (published by: Journal Agritech Faculty of Agricultural Technology Universitas Gadjah Mada, Vol.31(2), May 2011).
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